What is Bowel Cleanse?

Bowel plays a vital role in keeping our body healthy. There will be no constipation problems if the bowel functions well. Constipation complications may lead to bowel ulcer, pimples, bad breath, and skin problems.

"Take of food at improper time, Insufficient amount of water intake, Insufficient fiber in the body, No physical exercise, Insufficient sleep, Mental disturbances.

Bowel cleanser cleanses the bowel gradually.

It relieves vatha, pitha, kaba rogams. very effective in tooth ache and chronic ulcers. Assist in good bowel movements. LICORICE (GLABRA LINN)
Used as a demulcent in inflammatory infections, remedy to check bleeding, ulcers, thirstiness and a good one to regain lost vigor.

It cures dyspepsia and strengthens alimentary canal, cures
flatulence, biliousness and giddiness.

A good laxative and tonic for stomach ailments.

Gives relief in indigestion, internal heat, headache, giddiness, anorexia and spermetorrhoea. Reduces inflammatory swellings, relieves gout pain and acute rheumatism.

Used to expel intestinal worms, cures dropsy, dyspepsia, jaundice, obesity, gas problems and flatulence.

It cures dyspepsia & strengthens alimentary canal. Cures flatulence, billiousness and giddiness. Used as a demulcent in inflammatory infections. It relieves vatha. prtha. kaba rogams. A good and effective laxative. Assist in good bowel movements.

This wonderful product is just RM35.00!
It contains 50 capsules x 300mg
read more "What is Bowel Cleanse?"

Love Your Colon!

Yes, our colon really suffering. But we ignore it bocause we can't see it through our eyes.

These pictures are showing the disorder of colon.

Highly effected colon!

These are some of effects of unclean bowel. You migth be not this much serious. But, don't give a chance to this happen!
read more "Love Your Colon!"

Yes, Bowel Cleanse is Halal Product!

Bowel Cleanse is 100% Halal product. This product approved by Ministry of Health, Malaysia.
(Reg num. MAL 20032315 TC)

Bowel Cleanse adalah produk Halal. Produk ini juga di diluluskan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia.
(Reg num. MAL 20032315 TC)

குடல் சுத்தி மருந்து ஹலால் தகுதியுடையது. இது மலேசிய சுகாதார அமைச்சின் அங்கீகாரம் பெற்றது.
(Reg num. MAL 20032315 TC)
read more "Yes, Bowel Cleanse is Halal Product!"

Bowel Cleanse

We eat all kinds of food just to satisfy our taste. Do we ever think of the adverse effects in the intestine in the stomach due to eating all sorts of junk food. It is very difficult to control our wavering mind. Our mind starts blabbering if we become sick for a day. We get into deep mental depression by thinking about the cause of sickness. As a result, we slowly develop an unknown fear in our mind. Our mind should not be pressured due to unwanted thoughts.lt is better to know the root cause for that disease and must try to adopt required preventive measures.


• Not drinking required of water per day (minimum 8 glasses of water must be taken in a day).
• Not taking food at right times.
• Insufficient quantity of fiber content in our body.
• Mentally affected (depression).
• Not doing exercises for the food we have taken.
• Insufficient sleep
• Over or less eating.

Intestine is the most important part in our stomach. So it is essential to maintain a healthy intestine. We suffer constipation only because of not adhering to the above formalities.

Ever/time we eat very well. But we don't bother about proper release of the wastages from the intestine. The wastages from the food we eat must be released from the intestine within 15 to 18 hours. If it doesn't, all kind diseases start attacking us. Due to the longer stay in the blood, different organs in our body gradually start deterioting and lose its proper functions. Because of this factor, we suffer of unwanted remedies. Even we are so much brisk in our younger age, we become susceptible to many diseases as our age pass by.

• Intestinal Cancer
• Headache
• Intestinal Ulcer
• Skin Problems
• Mouth Ulcer
• Carbuncle
• Bad smell in the mouth
• Pimples in the face
• Tiredness
• Boils all over the body

All the above diseases occur due to constipation. In our younger years, we sacrifice our health for earning our wealth. In our old age, we sacrifice our wealth in order to maintain and lead a healthy life.

A satisfied mind by taking proper good medicines may help to clean the intestines and maintain it for a longer time. So, it is essential to get rid of constipation, we may lead a healthy life. From now on, start taking bowel cleanse capsules and maintain our health in a better way.

(1) 6 months to 2 years old children
Mix 1/2 capsule of Bowel Cleanse with 2 ounce of milk and drink, (if necessary)
(2) 3 to 5 years old children
Mix 1 capsule of Bowel Cleanse in a glass of milk or warm water and drink, (if necessary).
(3) 6 to 10 years old children
Mix 1 capsule, 2 times per day, (depends on situation), in a glass of warm water and drink. Add some sugar for taste.
(4) 11 to 15 years old children
2 capsules, twice a day, for 6 months.
(5) 16 to 60 years plus old
3 capsules, twice a day, for 6 months.
“When you take the above dosage, passing motion becomes smoother. If the motion does not pass smoothly, you may take 3 capsules before breakfast and 4 capsules after dinner, continuously for some time.lt is very much ideal and also comfortable, if motion passes two or three times a day. If motion passes 4 to 5 times a day, you need to reduce the dosage by taking 3 capsules instead of 4 capsules during night time. You can continue the same dosage for 6 months.

While consuming Bowel Cleanse capsules, Avoid taking drinks such as tea, ten o', coffee, kopi o' and Nescafe.
read more "Bowel Cleanse"

Pembersih Sembelit

Kita makan mengikut citarasa kita. Adakah kita berfikir tentang masalah yang dihadapi oleh usus, akibat cara pemakanan kita? Memang sukar untuk mengawal cara pemakanan kita. Pada masa yang sama kita risau apabila menghadapi sebarang penyakit. Kita menganggap bahawa apa yang kita makan adalah sesuai untuk badan kita.

PUNCA SEMBELIT• Tidak meminum air yang secukupnya (harus meminum 8 gelas air sehari).
• Tidak makan pada masa yang tepat.
• Kekurangan fiber dalam badan.
• Kesedihan.
• Tidak membuat senaman.
• Tidak cukup tidur.
• makan terlebih atau terlalu kurang.
Usus adalah suatu organ yang penting dalam badan kita. Kita akan menghadapi masalah sembelit disebabkan punca-punca diatas.

Kita harus memberi perhatian kepada sistem penghadaman serta makanan kita. Makanan yang kita makan harus dicerna dan keluar sebagai bahan buangan dalam masa 15 jam kemudian. Kekotoran darah dan kerosakan organ dalam badan akan berlaku, jika mengalami masalah sembelit.

Barah usus, alser usus, alser mulut, mulut berbau, badan berbau, keletihan, sakit kepala, penyakit kulit, keretakan pada kulit di bahagian kaki, sakit perut, jerawat dan sebagainya.
Apakah cara untuk mengatasi masalah ini? Masalah sembelit harus ditangani dengan segera. Masalah usus dapat dirawati dengan mengambil kapsul Bowel Cleanse yang paling efektif bagi masalah sembelit.

Cara mengambil - 2 kali sehari - 3 kapsul selepas makan malam dan 2 kapsul selepas bersarapan.

Jika bahan buangan keluar tanpa masalah apabila mengambil 3 kapsul pada waktu malam dan 2 kapsul pada waktu pagi,anda boleh meneruskan cara ini. Jika tidak, anda harus makan 4 kapsul pada waktu malam dan 4 kapsul pada waktu pagi. Adalah baik jika 2 atau 3 kali bahan buangan keluar dalam sehari. Anda boleh mengambil ubat ini untuk 6 bulan.Jika bahan buangan keluar 4 atau 5 kali sehari, bilangan kapsul boleh dikurangkan daripada 3 kapsul ke 2 kapsul.
(1) Umur 6 bulan hingga 2 tahun
Campurkan 1 kapsul Bowel Cleanse dengan 2 auns susu minum. (Jika perlu sahaja).
(2) Umur 3 hingga 5 tahun
Campurkan 1 kapsul Bowel Cleanse dengan segelas susu atau air suam dan minum. (Jika perlu sahaja).
(3) Umur 6 hingga 10 tahun
Campurkan 1 kapsul Bowel Cleanse pada waktu pagi dan 1 kapsul pada waktu malam (bergantung pada situasi), dengan segelas air suam dan minum. Tambahkan gula jika perlu.
(4) Umur 11 hingga 15 tahun
Makan 2 kapsul pada waktu pagi dan 2 kapsul pada waktu malam, untuk 6 bulan.
(5) Umur 16 hingga 60 tahun keatas
Makan 3 kapsul pada waktu pagi dan 3 kapsul pada waktu malam, untuk 6 bulan.

Anda tidak harus meminum teh, teh o', kopi, kopi o' dan Nescafe. Hentikan pengambilan makanan buat sementara waktu sehingga masalah sembelit anda selesai.
read more "Pembersih Sembelit"

குடல் சுத்தி (Bowel Cleanse)

Click on the image to read about Bowel Cleanse in Tamil.

குடல் சுத்தி மருந்தைப் பற்றி தமிழில் வாசிக்க, படத்தை க்ளிக் செய்யவும்.
read more "குடல் சுத்தி (Bowel Cleanse)"

Bowel Cleanse in Chinese Language

Click on the image to read about Bowel Cleanse in Chinese
read more "Bowel Cleanse in Chinese Language"

About Us

Vallalar Sidhar Ayur Herbs Services Sdn. Bhd (VSAHS) established in Malaysia since 1998 by the renowned herbalist M.Gunasegaran, better known as 'Paati Vaithiyam Guna'. As Paati Vaithiyam focused in traditional medication and clinic, VSAHS concentrates in manufacturing herbal and organic products. From the success of Bowel Cleanse (Kudal Sutthi) till to date, M. Gunasegaran with the concern for his patients, keep develops such as herbal and organic product which is healthy and tasty.
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